Tax is the first consideration in mature markets like the US, Europe and UK where, historically, the impact of tax is considered before the investment strategy or holding structure is even reviewed. Global families, particularly from more tax benign jurisdictions, may be unfamiliar with tax complexity and/or do not have the experience or knowledge to tackle this issue. Access to global investment opportunities in all its forms allows HNW families greater choice but with this also comes exposure to risks that they may be unfamiliar.
Governments around the world continually increase their fiscal policies to ensure sufficient revenue is generated to supplement their beleaguered budgets. It is important to understand the exposure before entering a market depending on the assets to be purchased, in what manner and how to maximize the efficiency. This is relevant for existing assets too since fiscal legislation constantly changes and it is important to understand that any strategy remains extant.
Collaborative advisory is key where all the elements are considered in order to deploy robust solutions to mitigate tax for today and future generations in the most effective and regulated manner. Legal/fiscal dispute with any Government should be avoided at all costs since the powers they hold to confiscate and freeze assets cannot be underestimated. With concise dialogue, exploring all the possible permutations across the bandwidth of advisory should alleviate this avoidable consequence.